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  • Placing an order automatically entails acceptance of these General Terms of Sale and, where relevant, of the special conditions specified at the time of the order.
  • Offers are valid within the limits of the option period which, unless otherwise stipulated, is fifteen days starting from the presentation of the offer. Any information on the catalogues, manuals and price lists is for information only; HEPTAGON GROUP may have to make changes to it at any time without notice.
  • No additions, omissions or modifications to any of the provisions of these terms of sale will be binding on HEPTAGON GROUP without their written agreement. ​


  • Any clauses or special purchase conditions on the customer’s Purchase order that are in contradiction with these terms and conditions are not applicable, except with the express written agreement of HEPTAGON GROUP. Once a customer places an order, HEPTAGON GROUP will acknowledge receipt of the order and will have the option of notifying refusal or amendment within three days of acknowledgement of receipt. If no refusal or amendment is notified, the order becomes binding at the end of the third day following the acknowledgement of receipt. Any changes to the order notified by HEPTAGON GROUP during this period shall be considered accepted by the customer unless the customer notifies HEPTAGON GROUP of its opposition in writing within three days starting from the date of the notification. In the event of a change, the order shall only be considered final upon receipt of the customer’s consent, or on expiry of this three-day period. In the event of a modification of any kind (designation, quantity, etc.) to an order already received and confirmed by HEPTAGON GROUP, the conditions granted previously cannot be extended without HEPTAGON GROUP consent.
  • An order accepted may, nonetheless, be cancelled by HEPTAGON GROUP should the customer fail to fulfil their obligations arising from article XIV.


HEPTAGON GROUP’s commercial proposal and invoice itemise the products and services ordered, which may be hardware, software or related services.

Hardware sales:

  • HEPTAGON GROUP sells hardware sourced from different suppliers, for whom they are the authorised distributor. The technical characteristics and documentation of this hardware is the responsibility of the supplier and is handed over as is by HEPTAGON GROUP.

Supply of software:

  • HEPTAGON GROUP grants the customer the right to use each software program ordered or which is integrated into hardware sold. The conditions under which this right of use is granted, and the obligations the customer accepts vis-à-vis the supplier of the software concerned, may be detailed in a license issued by the latter and appended to the invoice and to these general terms. The customer undertakes to forward the terms of this license to its end customer.
  • In the absence of a license and specific conditions, the right to use the software ordered or installed in hardware sold by HEPTAGON GROUP is limited to the operational implementation of a single copy of this software, to the exclusion of any right of reproduction, modification or correction of errors. HEPTAGON GROUP is not, under any circumstances, responsible for any problems that may affect the software, nor for the temporary interruption (for correction, update or other reason) or permanent discontinuation, by the publisher of this software.

Related services:

  • When the hardware sold, or the software supplied, are subject to a maintenance or update service from their supplier, ordering them from HEPTAGON GROUP entails the ordering of the service in question, the financial conditions of which are itemised in the commercial proposal and the invoice.
  • HEPTAGON GROUP may also provide itself or via the supplier or a third-party provider, additional services, such as installation, which will be subject to a separate order at conditions stipulated in the commercial proposal and the invoice.

Intellectual Property:

  • The purchase of hardware or the supply of software ordered from HEPTAGON GROUP does not confer any intellectual property rights on the customer and obliges them to respect any intellectual property rights held by the supplier of the hardware or the software concerned. In consideration of which, the customer is guaranteed against any breach of quiet possession due to a third-party claim affecting an intellectual property right and with the consequence of a restriction or prohibition of the use of the hardware or software supplied. On the other hand, HEPTAGON GROUP shall not be liable in any way for any problems arising from the operation, introduction or maintenance of software that it did not supply.


Goods and equipment will be invoiced at the HEPTAGON GROUP’ rate valid on the date of delivery. Prices are exclusive of tax; any taxes, delivery charges, shipping, packaging, and insurance will be invoiced in addition, to the rate applicable on the date of sale or delivery. Orders for special services and products not on HEPTAGON GROUP’ price list shall be invoiced at the price stipulated in the commercial proposal.


Acceptance of these general terms of sale implies the customer’s express agreement to receive, where relevant, electronic invoices in substitution of paper invoices from HEPTAGON GROUP.


The delivery times communicated to the customer are given as an indication, as HEPTAGON GROUP is dependent on its own suppliers. Time of delivery is not of the essence.

HEPTAGON GROUP is entitled to suspend or cancel delivery in serious circumstances, and in the following cases:

  • Should the customer fail to comply with the agreed payment terms;
  • Should the customer fail to provide HEPTAGON GROUP in a timely manner with the technical, financial or commercial information or specifications, necessary for dispatch;
  • Force majeure or events such as social strife, epidemic, war, requisition, fire, flood, tooling accidents, significant scrapping of parts during manufacture, interruption or delays in transport, or any cause leading to a partial or total work stoppage at HEPTAGON GROUP or their suppliers. The possible prohibition on exports pronounced by the government of the country of origin of the hardware is considered, among other things, as a case of force majeure.
  • In any case, the time for obtaining administrative permits and carrying out formalities is added to the delivery time communicated to the customer.


  • For deliveries in the United Kingdom of hardware products, the customer mandates HEPTAGON GROUP to organise the transport of said products to the delivery address according to the information communicated by the customer.
  • For deliveries in mainland United Kingdom, the DAP Incoterm is applicable by default. The CIP Incoterm (according to Incoterms 2010) is applicable if the place of delivery is outside mainland United Kingdom.
  • In the absence of any special purchase conditions on the customer’s purchase order, the goods are deemed as having to be delivered to the customer at their head office. They are dispatched with carriage and packaging the responsibility of HEPTAGON GROUP NETWORKS. Insurance is provided by HEPTAGON GROUP up to customer delivery; these costs are invoiced as a fixed price.
  • No recourse may be exercised against HEPTAGON GROUP, the forwarding agent or the hauler for losses, spoilage or damage incurred by the goods, unless an official report with irrefutable probative force has been sent to the hauler or the forwarding agent within two days and HEPTAGON GROUP formally notified within the same time period.
  • The accessibility and layout of the premises intended to receive heavy, cumbersome equipment must be provided in a timely manner by the customer; HEPTAGON GROUP shall not bear the cost of this under any circumstances.


  • No merchandise can be returned without the prior written agreement of HEPTAGON GROUP.
  • Returns only concern equipment that has not been modified or altered and must be done in the original packaging. The costs of transport and re-warehousing are the responsibility of the customer.
  • The customer should return the equipment within eight days after obtaining the consent of HEPTAGON GROUP.


  • The goods referred to on the delivery slip and the invoice shall remain the property of HEPTAGON GROUP until the full price has been paid by the customer. The risks of loss, theft or destruction will, nonetheless, be the responsibility of the customer as from receipt of the goods and until full payment of the price for a DAP delivery.
  • Until such time as payment has been made in full to HEPTAGON GROUP, in cleared funds, of
  • All sums due to it in respect of the Goods referred to on the delivery slop and the invoice, and all other sums which are, or which become due to HEPTAGON GROUP from the customer,
  • the customer shall hold the goods to the order of HEPTAGON GROUP. HEPTAGON GROUP may bring an action for the price notwithstanding that property in the Goods has not passed to the customer. Until such time as property passes to the customer, the customer shall upon request deliver up to HEPTAGON GROUP such of the Goods as have not been resold to a value equal to the debt outstanding from the customer to HEPTAGON GROUP as of the date of the request. If the customer does not comply with this request, HEPTAGON GROUP may, during business hours, without notice, enter upon any premises owned, occupied or controlled by the customer where goods are situated or where HEPTAGON GROUP reasonably believes goods are situated and repossess the goods to a value equal to the debt outstanding from the customer to HEPTAGON GROUP as of the date of repossession, and the customer grants HEPTAGON GROUP an irrevocable license for this purpose.
  • If the goods are resold before full payment has been made to HEPTAGON GROUP, the latter reserves the right to claim payment of the retail price from the sub-purchaser. In the case of a cancellation of an order for goods due to a case of force majeure, or by the customer, the advance payments already collected will remain the property of HEPTAGON GROUP.


  • For customers who do not have an account with HEPTAGON GROUP, payment is due at the point of placement of the order.
  • Requests to open an account should be accompanied by the usual banking and commercial references as well as documents permitting an analysis of solvency.
  • Except for special conditions, payments from customers with an account with HEPTAGON GROUP are due at 30 days from the date of the invoice. Payments must be made by bank transfer. Payments cannot be made in cash.


  • Interest shall be due and payable on all late payments starting from the date payment was due, at a rate of eight percent above the Bank of England’s base rate. In this case, the base rate reference for payments becoming overdue during the first half of the year concerned is the Bank of England base rate as of 31st December in the year immediately preceding. For the second half of the year concerned, it is the rate in force on 30th June of the year in question.
  • In the absence of payment of a single instalment (or of a single draft on the due date), the entire amount of the sums owed by the customer to HEPTAGON GROUP shall immediately become payable. Deliveries and orders in progress may be suspended. The sale will only be completed, and the title transferred in full and final settlement of the invoices.
  • Should HEPTAGON GROUP be forced to demand payment of invoices, even if simply by registered letter, a liquidated damages sum fixed at 10% of the amount of the debt shall be due by the customer, starting from the due date of the invoice, taking into account the costs and time incurred by HEPTAGON GROUP in demanding payment. Should the collection fees be higher than the number of liquidated damages, HEPTAGON GROUP may demand additional compensation, on the presentation of receipts.


  • The hardware is guaranteed for a period stipulated in the manufacturer’s documentation accompanying the equipment.
  • The guarantee only relates to parts deemed faulty by HEPTAGON GROUP, subject to the defects observed not being caused by improper use or handling by the customer.
  • The guarantee shall cease immediately if an intervention is carried out for any reason whatsoever by a repairer not approved of by HEPTAGON GROUP.
  • In respect of this guarantee, the only obligation incumbent upon HEPTAGON GROUP is to take organise the repair or replacement of the product or part which has been recognised as being faulty by the manufacturer and returned to the address indicated by HEPTAGON GROUP.
  • The return of products under guarantee must have the prior approval of HEPTAGON GROUP. To this end, the customer shall contact HEPTAGON GROUP’s support service by telephone.
  • If the product is recognised as being faulty, HEPTAGON GROUP will give the customer a product return code. Products recognised as being faulty should be returned in their original packaging, along with the return code.
  • Products or parts replaced under the terms of the guarantee shall become the exclusive property of HEPTAGON GROUP.
  • Interventions under the guarantee do not extend the guarantee.
  • This guarantee is exclusive of any other guarantees.


  • The customer acknowledges that they are professionals, and, in this respect, they are knowingly buying the hardware or software that is the subject of the agreement between the parties and state that they are adequately informed of the use and intended purpose of the hardware or software.
  • HEPTAGON GROUP may not be held liable for the incompatibility of the hardware or software with other equipment or software with which it is intended to be operated. HEPTAGON GROUP cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect, temporary or permanent impact the installation of equipment may have on an existing installed system.
  • HEPTAGON GROUP is only responsible for direct damage caused by a fault in the equipment, the software or services provided by HEPTAGON GROUP, within the double limit of the loss effectively suffered by the customer due to this fault and the price of the equipment, software or services sold.
  • Any losses that are indirect, commercial and from loss of revenue, including the loss of data and operating loss, are expressly excluded, as well as are all situations of force mature.
  • In the event of the necessity for an update or corrective installation, the customer is informed that HEPTAGON GROUP cannot intervene before receipt of said updates and corrections from the manufacturer and cannot be held liable for any delays incurred.


  • The hardware and software supplied by HEPTAGON GROUP may be subject to export restrictions regarding dual-use goods and technology (civil/military), due to European or American regulations, inter alias. In the EU, the transfer of such goods and technology may constitute an exception to the principle of free circulation.
  • These obligations can take the form of export licenses to be obtained from the ECO (UK) and/or the BIS (United States) and the archiving of the documents pertaining to these export operations.
  • The customer acknowledges and accepts that the products purchased from HEPTAGON GROUP Share subject to laws and regulations relative to export controls applicable in the UK, the European Union and the United States. The customer undertakes not to export, re-export or transfer, directly or indirectly the products purchased from HEPTAGON GROUP, without first obtaining the requisite authorisations from the competent authorities (American, European and or the UK).
  • The customer undertakes to provide HEPTAGON GROUP with the name of the end customer, their order number and the end-destination of the order, via the purchase order.
  • The customer should inform its own customers that, for products that have an American export license, the end-user may be subject to checks by the American authorities.
  • In any case, the customer is responsible for the proper application of the export control regulations and HEPTAGON GROUP cannot be held liable for the customer’s failure to observe the obligations arising from this clause and the related regulations.
  • Regarding the European and English regulations that may apply, the customer may consult the following official websites:
  • Regarding the American regulations that may apply, the customer may consult the following official website:
  • HEPTAGON GROUP reminds customers located in the UK (or in the EU) that, for dual-use products or technology, exporting outside the EU or transferring within the EU may require compliance with three sets of regulations (EU, UK and American) which are not interchangeable; in other words, compliance with one does not constitute compliance with the others.
  • Lastly, the fact that HEPTAGON GROUP may provide the customer with a service concerning the transport of the equipment and technology sold does not alter the customer’s responsibility with respect to the regulations applicable in terms of export control, which remain within the customer’s remit.


The customer undertakes to apply the best commercial standards as well as the laws applicable in their territory and not to harm HEPTAGON GROUP’s commercial reputation through the products supplied by them. In particular, the customer undertakes to provide accurate, up to date information about the characteristics, performances and possible uses of the products commercialised by HEPTAGON GROUP. The Customer also undertakes to obtain and renew any authorizations necessary for the sale of the products in the country in which they are established. The customer also undertakes to respect and enforce the intellectual property rights protecting the equipment sold by HEPTAGON GROUP as well as the software for which a license is granted.


  • The customer (including the customer’s executives, directors, employees, and agents) undertakes to comply with the applicable anti-corruption laws, including, and without limitation, the USA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and the “Sapin II” act (collectively, the “Anti-Corruption laws”). The Customer shall refrain, in particular, from (a) taking any measures or allowing or authorising any action by a third party in violation of the Anti-Corruption laws; (b) using any sums of money, or other consideration, paid by the other Party, for illegal purposes, including for purposes infringing the Anti-Corruption laws, with the aim of helping the other Party to obtain, or unduly conserve, a market or an agreement or any undue advantage; and (c) directly or indirectly, offering, promising, giving, requesting or accepting anything whatsoever either from a civil servant or public agent, undertaking or company controlled by the government, political party or any other private individual or corporate entity, with the aim of unduly obtaining a commercial or financial advantage or influencing any acts or decisions. Each Party, acting in good faith, shall refrain from taking any measures that they believe infringe the laws or commercial policies applicable to the business relations between the parties. To the Customer’s best knowledge, none of its executives, directors or employees are: (a) civil servants or public agents; (b) employed by an undertaking or company controlled by the government; or (c) the active representative of a political party. The Customer certifies that neither it nor its executives, directors or employees have been formally accused and/or pronounced guilty of an infringement or fraud with respect to the regulations applicable in terms of corruption. The Customer undertakes to inform HEPTAGON GROUP immediately in the event of a change in the situation. Notwithstanding any other contrary provisions of these terms of sale, HEPTAGON GROUP may terminate commercial relations immediately should the Customer fail to comply with the provisions of this clause; it is, nonetheless, stipulated that the Customer should indemnify, protect and absolve HEPTAGON GROUP in the event of damages. In addition, the two parties agree to fully comply with all the laws applicable to the sale and distribution of the products purchased, pursuant to these GTCs of sale.
  • The customer also undertakes to comply with the applicable legislation in terms of the protection of personal data and privacy including but not limited to the EU General Data Protection Regulation and to gain the consent of its customers for forwarding their personal data to HEPTAGON GROUP in such a way as to allow them to make legal use of it, inter alias, for commercial and marketing purposes. The customer undertakes to comply with the law.


These terms and conditions of sale and all matters relating to them shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales. In the event of a disagreement over all, or part, of these terms and conditions of sale, as for any that may arise over the performance of any order, jurisdiction is assigned to the Courts of England and Wales.

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